Soliciting Terms for Nomenclature 4.0

15 May 2014 9:44 PM | Anonymous member
Fellow Museum Professional(s):

Since its inception in 1978 many of us have come to use Chenall's
Nomenclature to categorize and organize our museum collections. Now in its
third edition, the Nomenclature Task Force of AASLH is preparing to
undertake a project to release Nomenclature 4.0, but we can't do it without
your input and help! We are asking you, as the frontline of museum
collections, to recommend new terms, alternative categories for objects, and
new definitions of objects.

It's easy to do and won't take but a few minutes and can all be done online.
If you go to this link:
you can choose the best option for what you'd like to submit and add
information to the form, provide us with your contact information in case we
have any questions or need to follow up with you, hit submit and you're all
done. It's that easy! We are open to any suggestions you have and rest
assured we give thought to each and every recommendation sent in to us.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly and I
will try to answer your question(s) myself or share them with the Task Force
to address them.
Thank you for your help and your time!
John Hart, Jr.
Museum Registrar and AASLH Nomenclature Task Force Member Sullivan Museum
and History Center Norwich University
158 Harmon Drive
Northfield, VT 05663
(802) 485-3289

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